The Makaha Learning Center is currently accepting applications for the 2023 Ho'omau Scholarship. The scholarship fund, generously donated by our funding partners, is aimed at helping current students pursue higher education in the specialty trade and construction fields.
Recipients of the Ho'omau Scholarship will receive tuition forgiveness for in-house programs or $1,000 to pursue higher education programs including trade school, apprenticeship programs, and accredited degree programs.
Pursuing vocational or college education through the Makaha Learning Center or in an accredited vocational school or college
Proof of enrollment in a higher education which could be the following: payment receipts, registration confirmation or transcripts
Lives or works in a HUBZone (Historically Underutilized Business Zone). See map here
Reference Information
A short 250-word essay on why the scholarship would benefit you and your future in your field of study
If applicable, any volunteer information, transcripts or previous awards can be included in your application.
Supporting documentation is not required unless you are in final consideration for an award. If not submitted with your initial application, we will contact you for submission.
You may also email application and supporting documentation to Info@MakahaLearning.com
Current enrollment period ends-- Rolling, when funding is exhausted
Review of applications and awards-- Rolling