Heal & Awaken
The foundational curriculum of Ho`oponopono has been curated to awaken the DNA inside of us and inspire talents to come forth.
Through DISCOVERY, students begin to understand that they are formed in the image of Ke Akua, that they possess gifts, and that they are priceless. Students experience a philosophical awakening, stop living singularly and start interacting as part of a body of people— a community. As healing of the spirit takes place, their outward reality is transformed.
The fruit of this new perspective is discipline, self-realization, drive for excellence, appreciation, confidence, excitement for opportunity, and the discovery and satisfaction of purpose.
When there was conflict within the `Ohana, Hawaiians began the healing process with Ho`oponopono— a process that put things right. This process of “getting right with God” offered restitution, resolution, and forgiveness. It released the person from negative labels, pre-conceptions, and self-imposed limitations. The Makaha Learning Center's first foundation of learning, Ho`oponopono, is rooted in the philosophy and practice of ALOHA. Through intentional study and self-reflection, the Spirit is awakened and restored within. This realization of self and discovery of one's dreams, gifts, and talent serve as a foundation for personal and professional success.